Sunday, June 3, 2012

Sunday...a day to rest...finally!

Troy was sustained as the YM Pres. today. He doesn't have a presidency like back in the states. There are a total of 3 YM in the branch. A Deacon, a Teacher, and a Priest, so I'm sure he will be real busy.... :)  It will be a great calling for him.  I gave the closing prayer in Sacrament meeting today, which as Troy reminded me is more Church service/work than I've done in a long time.  It made me a little nervous since I speak English and the meeting is usually done in Vietnamese.  It's not what I'm used to, but I still feel very comfortable in this new church environment. The people of the Ho Chi Minh branch are so kind.

Later Sunday night we took a walk to get familiar with our new area. There is a great park right around the corner....much like home.

This double stroller is super handy (thanks Nicole) but creates a lot of attention. We got the stare down from everyone we passed, but I'm not sure if it was from the stroller or people thinking we kidnapped a white baby!

Cute brothers!

Umm...Yum...dinner, Frogs & Snakes in the aquarium and ready to eat at a restaurant we passed.
You should have seen what else was on the menu!!

Then the monsoon rains came and we made a run for it! We all got drenched.


  1. LOVE that you are doing a blog! It is almost motivational enough for me to start doing my blog rock! Dying at the frogs and snakes. I'm glad the double stroller is being well-used. It couldn't look better with those beautiful boys in it! Miss you all so much!!!!!!

  2. Wow, I had no idea you and your family were in Vietnam. What an adventure!!!! I am so glad you started a blog, it will be fun to keep up with you guys this way!!! Thanks and Take Care, Kelly Frye

  3. Yay! You started a blog! I'm thrilled! I loved hearing about your adventures so far and seeing all the pictures. I've been thinking about you guys. You brought back a lot of memories...the frogs being skinned alive at the market and my sister fainting, arriving in Hong Kong in the middle of summer and my sister's glasses fogged up as we exited the airport terminal, all the crowds of people staring at us, the heat and humidity on my mission there were days I was just drenched. Makes me miss Asia!

    Oh I feel for you on your plane ride, I was always told to bring an extra pair of clothes, but I always forget! That is such a long journey to take, with kids it's even longer.

    Are you guys going to see Dan? I wish we could come visit while you're there.

    Drey and Enzo are adorable! I love them. I can't believe how much Enzo has grown since you were here last Nov! He'll definitely attract a lot of attention being a blonde/blue eyed cutie pie.

    I love you're blog! Keep 'em coming Princess!
    p.s. Is Facebook next for you? hahaha
