Thursday, June 14, 2012

A Touristy Day (long post ahead)

Troy had some free time and a few hours to spend with us this morning. When deciding how to spend this time it made perfect sense to get familiar with our city...the tourist way. We searched the internet and found all the spots we had time to visit, then headed out.

Before leaving, Troy insisted on cleaning out my diaper bag. He has been lugging this thing around while I am usually holding Enzo, and he was getting so frustrated with how disorganized everything was inside. He's also been known to reload the dishwasher after I load it :) He has a knack for organizing spaces.

I'd make a good girl scout....always prepared. Actually nothing scares me more than a screaming child I can't console....

Saigon Opera House.
I tried to get pictures inside but got some angry looks from a security guard. Built by the French.

                       Some of my favorite sights.  I also get angry looks from someone when I go inside these stores.....Troy!

This is a walkway / garden area with plaques that tell the history of Ho Chi Minh.  You see a lot of  tributes to Ho Chi Minh around the city.  I need to be careful what I say on the blog...there are Viet spies that may shut me down :)
The Rex Hotel
A historical hotel in the city. This was the American information center during the war.

City Hall

Statue of Ho Chi Minh

Bonzai tree...really pretty.

So this is a little joke....Viets love to take their pictures right next to flowers (proof to the left). When in Nam right?

Cathedral in the center of the city. You may want to check online for the details of this  cathedral...we were in a rush with hot, hungry, and tired kids.

Post Office.  So popular that you have your wedding photos taken there!

After hitting the sights in the main city we took a taxi to what's known as the back packer's district. This was actually a really fun part of town with a lot of felt nice and comfortable. We found a little street market that offered fresh everything. Here is my warning...there is a REALLY disgusting picture coming up and if you have a weak stomach stop reading now!

Fresh meat of all kinds in the hot sun....give me a little more time here before I start making purchases with this lady.

Troy picking out some garlic.

Random Viet woman pinching Enzo's cheeks.

Fresh fish

Nothing notable about this picture. Troy told me to just walk down this aisle to see if there was anything good. 

Then I saw this and quickly turned around. Skinned Frogs.....still alive and jumping!!

To end on a good note, a nice man gave Enzo and Drey a banana from his stand.

1 comment:

  1. That's funny about the diaper bag, I feel the same way and hate being unprepared. I'm usually the one that goes back and organizes the dishwasher, maybe it's an Asian thing? haha. You should take down your disclaimer, you're a blogger, and a very fine one too! I love it!
