Thursday, June 7, 2012

Grocery Shopping....Viet Style

So I've been trying to cook our meals at home now since our entire budget was spent on restaurants the past two weeks and Troy told me our vacation is over! This required me to go to the grocery store today.  Since the boys were asleep Troy had to stay home. We usually travel by taxi but Troy discovered a lady outside our apartment complex that could take us around on her Vietnam this is called "xe om" (xe means vehicle and om means hug). Troy walked outside with me and spoke Viet to the lady to make sure she understood exactly what we needed;  drive me to a market, wait for me, and drive me back to our apartment. Then I was off on my first independent outing. I do have to say that riding on the motorbike was TONS of fun and a little crazy also. Next time I'll record it. Everything went smoothly until the end when it came time to pay her. Troy forgot to tell me how much they agreed upon. In the end I paid her $5.00 for the hour long excursion. When I told Troy, he said that the agreement was for $2.00......oops.  At least Troy told her to bring me back to our apartment :)

Still getting last minute instructions from Troy

This lady was so fast she left before I was ready and Troy had to chase her down to give me my camera!

Inside the grocery store....this was actually a pretty nice store with a lot of options. Still not able to find baking powder, baking soda, and brown sugar.....some staples from back home.

trying to find's on this shelf somewhere. do I cook this? Can I get some USDA approval here please?

I was trying to take a picture of my grocery bags while we were moving. Two very large bags, one in front of my "xe om" and one on my lap. I'm now just hoping I don't get head lice from that helmet!

1 comment:

  1. That meat looks interesting. I am un-requesting it for when we visit. I am amazed that you went grocery shopping solo! The xe om is a crack up! Good job!!!
