Friday, March 22, 2013

Fighting off cabin fever....

The temperatures are changing here in Vietnam and it is getting HOT again. It's the in-between time of year...the few months after the cooler weather but before the rainy season begins, it's just hot. This makes going to the park and being outdoor a little unbearable. To cure our cabin fever I have started taking the boys to the pool at least once a week. Why has this not been a part of our weekly routine since moving over to Vietnam?'s pretty much a  pool in our backyard right? Because my boys have just recently reached the age and heights where watching them in the pool area by myself is manageable. Before this time, Drey was so scared to let go of me in the water and of course I had to hold Enzo as well. To say the least, one of my favorite past times was no longer enjoyable. Therefore, we have been avoiding any pool time until recently. Today was our pool day!

The kiddie pool.

The other pool...I don't get to spend much time here.

This boy loves the water...

This boy is working on his relationship with the water...he has trust issues.

Enzo has no problem climbing in and out of the pool on his own. I really have to keep a close watch on him .

Someone's too cool for the camera...

Snack time! This usually happens about 2 minutes after we arrive at the pool.

Prefers to eat his granola bar in the sun...

HAS to eat his granola bar in the shade.

Finally comfortable walking around and venturing on his own in the water.

There's not much to do in the pool so the boys have discovered throwing dead flowers from the garden is pretty fun.  (The gold urn to the left  is for the resident's Buddhist ancestor worship. They burn incense and papers. Apparently there was a  problem with people doing this in their home and having open fires.)

Practicing his breathing and kicks. 

Only one thing missing from a nice morning at the pool....TROY!

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